Gentle Caressing Light, Joy, Peace & Safety
A feeling that comes from the innermost base of who you really are. It is a resonance of joy, curiosity, expansion & wholeness that each of us know for at least a moment as the innocent love of the newborn child.
Faerie Love began as a soft wave of emerald green gently caressing my peripheral vision while in meditation. I thought it to be Archangel Raphael who was with me, but this was different. My sense was that of an early morning forest amongst the wispy ferns and ground cover.
I quieted my thoughts and began to perceive spirals of light similar to that of fireflys except these shimmered of color and they expanded then contracted like the swirling of a gentle breeze. Captivated I found myself breathing with the movement, more a part of the light than watching it. As my breathing deepened the spirals began transforming into bubbles with the color radiating about the outer perimeter. Then one centered before me briefly and I saw a wee face... sweet, gentle and iridescent. There was a moment of exchange... a permission... then the translucent bubble glided to my cheek making me smile. In an instant, it moved to the center of my chest and the kaleidoscope of color merged into a radiant swirl of green that gently wafted into my heart. It seems these bubbles of light also contain a loving consciousness that shares its radiance of joy in a manner that far exceeds mere words...
The experience was timeless, yet moments after I felt myself being gently returned to my present knowing that I was being asked to co-create another remedy with the name of Faerie Love!
How does one capture love in a bottle!!! Fortunately I don't have to attempt such a thing... my part is to set the stage, the intention and desire then allow spirit and the realms to bring forth the magick.
Faerie Love enhances and expands personal self-love, compassion, gratitude and appreciation. It strengthens your inherent desire to share genuine caring feelings of love with yourself (yes self) and others and is a sweet radiance capable of transforming and healing old wounds.
My first drops of Faerie Love evoked a gathering of peace and harmony along the perimeter of my body then movement toward my heart. With a brief culmination of light and energy I saw/felt a beautiful white dove enter into the center of my chest. As it settled, its soft cooing song resonated joyously throughout my entire being with such a blessing of gratitude and ease.
Faerie Love is truly without words for it will be experienced uniquely by each individual. What I can share is perhaps its potential affect.
Each of the Faerie Remedies carry specific frequencies of light and can be used individually or together. They all build toward ones ability to be more, to express more and increase the base energy of esteem, loving self, worthiness, gratitude and appreciation. When Faerie Love is included the energy becomes exponential. There is a merging that is so subtle, gentle yet strong, solid, safe (even if pain, sorry and loss have left wounds) and empowering that ones desire to feel and to express is not only reawakened but natural and secure.
This elixir can be taken in water, misted about the heart, hands, feet, or entire body, even in a room and there is always a sense of peace, upliftment, balance, calm and inner certainty.
Distilled water, essences (a proprietary blend of crystals, light, color frequencies & blessings of love from The Goddess), alcohol.
Drops: Place 7 drops in 6 ounces of water and drink. The common usage of gem & vibrational elixirs is 1 – 3 times daily. Because each person is unique in response to energy, always follow your inner guidance for drop amount and frequency of use.
Mist: Shake, spritz upon skin or over clothing 1-3 x daily as desired. Non toxic to animals, plants & humans. Amazing for gardens, water conservation and nature.
Archangel Raphael is the master healer of the angelic realm (Emerald Green Ray). He with your guardian angels & higher self, are always available to assist in clarity, healing, growth and abundance. But you must ask.
It is Very Important to drink adequate amounts of water. You are moving energy through your body & water is the conduit supporting this. Four to six glasses per day is suggested.