Essence of Light
Any 4 Faerie Mist Elixirs - your choice
4 - 1/2 oz elixirs (was $55.80) - Now $44.00
4 - 1 oz elixirs (was $71.80) - Now $60.00
4 - 2 oz elixirs (was $96.00) - Now $84.00
Primary 7 Chakra Elixirs - 1 bottle of each - select size
Includes: Faerie: Fire, Blyss, Balm, Love, Speaks, Essence & Radiance
1/2 oz each of all 7 listed above - ($97.65) Now $70.65
1 oz each of all 7 listed above - ($125.65) Now $98.65
2 oz each of all 7 listed above - ($168.00) Now $147.00
Upper 5 Chakra Elixirs - 1 bottle each - select size
Faerie Dust 8th, Etheric 9th, Being 10, Soul 11, Wisdom 12th (no substitutes)
1/2 oz each of all 5 listed above - ($69.75) Now $50.75
1 oz each of all 5 listed above - ($89.75) Now $71.75
2 oz each of all 5 listed above - ($120.00) Now $107.50
If through your exploration of this site, you are unable to
locate an appropriate essence, please contact Sharlleyn
to discover additional elixirs not presently listed.
Bottle Amounts
Mist: 1 spritz is equal
to 2 drops of liquid
1/2 oz dropper bottle:
Lasts 2+ weeks taking
7 drops 3x daily
Place order & list individual elixirs (example: dust, fire, essence, balm) in box OR email 4 elixir names
& last 4 digits of order # to