Perception, Clarity, Understanding, Integration & Wisdom With Your Higher Self
6th Chakra... The pituitary gland, center of the forehead between the eyebrows. This is the space of gathering energy in the form of information to be stored, interpreted or distributed. It is also the gateway of energy flow with your higher self.
Faerie Essence awakens, stretches and broadens your spectrum of vision. This occurs on different levels triggering new insights to be explored, developed and utilized.
This energy vortex is the bridge between the crown chakra and your higher consciousness. It is a prism of light or lens that incorporates how you see the physical world, your inner guidance, personal scripts and your etheric body or 9th chakra. The 9th is where you begin giving form to what will become manifest in your auric field, physical body and reality.
The pituitary gland is located in the brain and corresponds to the 6th chakra. When in full function with the pineal gland, 7th or crown chakra, the endocrine and body systems are enhanced and strengthened thus can maintain or return to optimum well being.
Frequently these two chakras are weak due to non use. Faerie Essence is a composite of crystal, light and color frequencies that remind the body of its optimum patterns of healthy activity. When the pituitary and 6th chakra are awakened the aging process, health of the physical body and ease in accessing altered states of consciousness and your higher self are brought into full function.
Faerie Essence awakens the light between the upper and lower chakras. As this comes into balance we become the conduit, bridge and conductive radiance of our truer self. This increases our capacity to feel, receive and integrate information, love, wisdom and our purest guidance. We can then bring in a new richness of our higher chakras and consciousness. And in so doing we can expand all of our relationships with spirit and our counselors. We can also, from the space of our hearts, return home to the love of The Goddess.
Each of the Faerie Remedies carry specific frequencies of light and can be used individually or together. They all build toward ones ability to be more, to express more and increase the base energy of esteem, loving self, worthiness, gratitude and appreciation.
This elixir can be misted externally or taken internally in water.
Distilled water, essences (a proprietary blend of crystals, light, color frequencies & blessings of love from The Goddess), alcohol is the holding agent.
Mist: Shake, spritz 1-2 x upon skin or over clothing 1-2 x daily as desired. Can be applied to forehead, back of neck, entire chakra system as guided. Each spritz is equivalent to 2 drops of essence.
Drops: Place 5 drops in 4-6 ounces of water and drink 1 – 2 times daily. Because each person is unique in response to energy, always follow your inner guidance for drop amount and frequency of use.
Archangel Raphael is the master healer of the angelic realm (Emerald Green Ray). He with your guardian angels & higher self, are always available to assist in clarity, healing, growth and abundance. But you must ask.
It is Very Important to drink adequate amounts of water. You are moving energy through your body & water is the conduit supporting this. Four to six glasses per day is suggested.