Where All Form Begins
From Altering Old Patterns (no longer useful) to Forming New Desires, Dreams, Potential & Manifesting The Reality You Want...
The Etheric body (9th chakra) is the original field of the human physical body. What is created, held, stored or sustained here will manifest in and/or through the physical. When physical, mental, emotional or spiritual healing is activated it must first be formed in the etheric body. Once a new belief or imprint is activated it flows from the 9th to the 8th chakra (Auric & color body), then the full spectrum of chakras (primary & secondary), each of the energy bodies and one's physical form and reality.
Simply put, the etheric body is a platform to conjure, store and form what we desire to create and manifest. It does not have an opinion or judge your 'text'. It can however, decipher the incongruent data that is out of sync with our beliefs, emotions, choices and actions.
The etheric can hold old beliefs, attitudes, choices and distress randomly projecting an unwanted script(s) into our entire consciousness thus affecting our well being, self healing, abundance and full growth potential. Over time these same attitudes, beliefs, choices and memories of lower vibrations or trauma can thin, weaken and convolute the 9th chakra energy field. AND wonderment, joy, happiness, excitement, playfulness, passion, beauty and love cleans, clears, heals and strengthens this amazing energy body of creation and manifestation.
Faerie Etheric acts like a hinge first gently opening and expanding the doorways and carrying energy and life force from the higher fields (12th, 11th, & 10th) into itself (9th) and then the Auric field.
Immediately after using Faerie Etheric and the Auric field expansion, the etheric chakra can begin monitoring and clearing the upper and lower chakra flows of energy. It works much like a 'malware' computer program.
Each of us have a 'divine human imprint/program from our soul' and it is infallible. It governs the core of who we are, what we know and the perfect functioning of each of our bodies. In preparation for becoming physical, we (all of us) respectively with our higher self, soul, guardian angels and personal counsel decide and fabricate what we would like to explore in the up coming physical form. We also have free will to select, from our biological parents and their family linage, the DNA patterns we want to be born with. Yikes!! "I would never have chosen this...or...why would anyone choose that?"
Please remember that from THAT perspective we can see forever! Thus with great optimism, hope, enthusiasm, determination and self confidence we gleefully 'dive in' often brushing aside the simple fact that 'everyone' has free will. Now mix in a bit of life experience, parental and religious conditioning, beliefs and consensus reality to acquire layers of conflicting or contrary input that can overlay our soul base like fly paper. The effect is usually slow, muddy, distorted and misaligned manifestations in our reality.
When Faerie Etheric is applied and when you set YOUR intention to heal and change, the 'fly paper overlays' can release and dissolve. This can then bring about an open flow of energy throughout your energy river (chakras) and as you add commitment and patience you will have a clearer connection with your higher self and counsel.
In keeping with the highest potential of the 'Faerie Remedies' we recommend the following: Work with essences (1 - 8) then add Faerie Etheric (completing with 10th - 12th) to elegantly assist you in bringing about the fullest spectrum of your desired changes and growth. If you are a 'seasoned chakra worker' Faerie Etheric will work well alone.
Nothing will force you to alter that which you don't want to let go of or give up!!!
The purpose of the 'Faerie Remedies' is to remind your body of it's pure original soul design. This elixir can help you 'pave the way' to aligning your inner power and clearing the path linking you to all that is and all that you can be.
Distilled water, essences (a proprietary blend of Crystalline light, Rainbows & the radiances of the subtle bodies), alcohol.
Mist: Shake, spritz upon skin or over clothing 1-2 x daily as desired.
Drops: Place 5 drops in 6 ounces of water and drink 1-2 x daily as desired.
The common usage of gem & vibrational elixirs is 1 – 3 times daily. Because each person is unique in response to energy, always follow your inner guidance for drop amount and frequency of use.
Archangel Raphael is the master healer of the angelic realm (Emerald Green Ray). He with your guardian angels & higher self, are always available to assist in clarity, healing, growth and abundance. But you must ask.
It is Very Important to drink adequate amounts of water. You are moving energy through your body & water is the conduit supporting this. Four to six glasses per day is suggested.