Utilizing The Power Of Light & Energy To Transform

Imagine a soaring bonfire of luminous sparks and dancing flames spiraling upward into the stary sky. This is Faerie Fire! It is the power and expansiveness of the nighttime radiances that can be used upon the body or in one's reality to dissolve, transmute and transform blocked or condensed energy

Expanding ones energy with Faerie Fire awakens one to the kingdom of the 'Phoenix' where one can transform stagnation. ​ It is bold, encompassing, dissolving, clearing, empowering and profound.  And like the 'Phoenix', one can emerge from the 'flames' anew. 

Faerie Fire is a combined balance of polarities such as light/dark or positive/negative in such a way to effect an altercation of resonance and change.  This provides a base or foundation of frequencies that one can, with desire, create and manifest the removal, release, transformation and renewal of energy that has been stagnant, distorted, exhausted, or misdirected.   It is 'Phoenix Fire'...   

This elixir can be applied to specific parts of the body to awaken and cleanse.  It can be taken internally and will by its design, flow to the areas or energy fields that have become static.  For more powerful results, direct Faerie Fire to the specific arenas.  Either way this elixir acts as a flow of light assisting in the transmutation of what has been into frequencies that can create new form.   It can be utilized during meditative and creative times to redirect less desirable energies into a different appearance or script thus altering ones direction and potential outcomes.

Everything is energy!  Desire, intention and directed thought can alter and shape form.  When one is accustomed to performing or functioning in a specific pattern it is easy for the pattern and one's energy to became static.  If that consistency works then so be it!  On the other hand, if the present form or flow of energy is not useful, positive or productive then one may desire to effect a change.  Faerie Fire can activate a surge or 'flame' that will 'burn away', dissolve or modify existing stagnation thus allowing an alternate or more useful format to be created.  Static energy can be present in the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or intuitive fields.  It may relate to perception, feelings, attitude, work, abundance, relationships, healing or any arena of ones life.  

Faerie Fire can dislodge what is stuck.  Results can appear quickly or in part depending upon your personal cadence and willingness to  receive.  By itself or as a compliment to Faerie Etheric you can transmute resistance and manifest the creations you desire.

The magick of the Faerie Remedies is 'Anything Is Possible'!  You are in co-creation with an energy that is outside of you yet completely compatible with you.  The Faerie Remedies originated from the realm of unlimitedness.   There is no beginning, end or restriction. 

Caution!  If you choose to work with these elixirs...frequencies of light... you will alter the part of you that quit believing in how magnificent you truly are.   Beware... for you can reawaken to the  brilliance of desire and creativity that is the core of you.  The same core that became dimmed or completely stamped out so long ago!!!

One might ask how does this elixir work?  I would offer the following...  As with each of the 'Faerie Remedies' it is a bit of desire, intention, hope, trust and wonder mixed with love, magick and acceptance in the realm of possibility.  Will it/they work...YES!

I have been so very fortunate in requesting and receiving opportunities that reach beyond logic and norm.  Not always have I accepted the gifts, yet when I have, miracles have abound.

​Internal application:  Place 5-7 drops in 4-6 oz of water and drink 1-3 x daily as desired.
External application:  (drops or mist) Place 1-2 drops (1 mist is equivalent to 2 drops) in hand and rub upon one of your feet.  Repeat same for the other foot.  If there are specific areas of the body that reflect tightness, discomfort or imbalance apply in the same manner to those areas.  If using a mist then apply one additional spritz to the palm of each hand.   Depending upon your ability to perceive energy you may or may not feel frequencies as they move throughout your body.  That does not in any way reduce the effects!

Distilled water, essences (a proprietary blend of crystal frequencies, moon, stars & night sky radiances), alcohol as the holding agent.

It is Very Important to drink adequate amounts of water. You are moving energy through your body & water is the conduit supporting this. Four to six glasses per day is suggested
Faerie Fire

Essence of Light©
Faerie Remedies