The Basis Of The Unlimited & Seemingly Improbable  

It is a swirling of such light as to gather together that which one would question as possible.  It has no beginning or end thus is forever & always.  This elixir is about you & your magick.  In every particle of matter it reflects the radiance of the all that is. 

This elixir provides a drawing energy to you.  To utilize its brilliance you must be willing to desire what you want, really want, then imagine the end result (not how to get there), and then be willing to receive the abundance..  Your desire and the results are a gift and a blessing.  This is the vibration of Faerie Magick.  The key is the depth of your desire and that you are truly willing to have it.  Faerie Magick gathers and projects energy around and through every particle of your is the resonance of unlimited potential.

Magick is the ability to gather, direct and manage energy for the purpose of creating and manifesting specific results.  Ironically each person does incorporate magick for each person creates their own reality.  Most do not understand that their thoughts, desires, beliefs and choices draw to them the energy of manifestation.  

​When working with the faerie realm products this elixir is usually brought in at the end as the final step to processing.  Each of the faerie elixirs can be used individually and although we shall provide potential ways... you are also invited to have fun and play with this radiance... It has no beginning or end therefore can be used in as many ways to dance the dance of creation as you can imagine.  

The key resonance of Faerie Magick is Unlimited Potential!

If you are in the state of desiring, you can take this elixir internally or mist it upon your body, about the room, over a project.  Use for self healing, financial gain, abundance, changing work or careers, manifesting material wants, relationships literally whatever you can imagine.  Your intentions are important so we invite you to explore the following questions to establish a deeper level of clarity.

What do you desire and are you willing to receive...   
What carries such a burst of 'want' that you are willing to dream and    accept that you can have it... 
What are you willing to acknowledge that once asked for and given thought-form to is already yours...   
What are you willing to let be magickal, without need of logic...
What are you willing to dream and know is real before you can see or touch it...

This elixir does require your commitment and true desire.  You can bathe yourself in its elegance...breathe it, feel it, taste it and experience the joy of positive expectation.  Faerie Magick will provide a foundation of energy to give base and girth to what you want.  It is liquid particles of the unlimited awaiting your desire, expression and willingness to receive.  It will align, expand and substantiate that which you desire to give form to. 

Distilled water, essences (a proprietary blend of Crystal frequencies, earth, fire, air, water, Spirit & the mists of creation) alcohol as the holding agent.  

Drops:  Place 7 drops in 6 ounces of water and drink. The common usage of gem & vibrational elixirs is 1 – 3 times daily.  Because each person is unique in response to energy, always follow your inner guidance for drop amount and frequency of use. 
Mist:  Shake, spritz upon skin or over clothing 1-3 x daily as desired. Non toxic to animals, plants & humans. Amazing for all that you are willing to experiment and explore with.

Archangel Raphael is the master healer of the angelic realm (Emerald Green Ray). He with your guardian angels & higher self, are always available to assist in clarity, healing, growth and abundance. But you must ask. 

It is Very Important to drink adequate amounts of water. You are moving energy through your body & water is the conduit supporting this. Four to six glasses per day is suggested. 
Faerie Magick

Essence of Light©
Faerie Remedies