Desire, Intention, Expansion & Imprinting Your Life Force With Will 

Faerie Passion is prisms of crystalline light, stardust & rainbow spectrums gathered, synergized & refracted as focused desire, vision, attention, gratitude, willingness to receive & joy.  

Faerie Passion carries each of the above listed frequency potentials. It provides the foundation for you to define your desire, dreams, visions, and choices upon.   As you place your attention to and direct your will upon the gathering energy and power of choice, you begin to conjure the radiance of source energy to that which you desire.  

Source energy is the basis and true core of all that is form. When you include Spirit (God, Goddess, Source, Universe, Angels or those of your preference) this base expands exponentially.  Passion for your desires, intention and life added together with Source become the element that take you into the unlimited.  

Faerie Passion opens your natural channels of desire to move them and you beyond the limits you have placed upon yourself.  It brings together the radiance of your eagerness, enthusiasm, true depth, imagination, anticipation and belief... it magnetizes your ability to conjure.   

Obviously you do know how to create and do so on a moment to moment basis.  You, as do each of us, create our own personal reality. Beliefs, choices, intention and attention to thought, emotions, perceptions and energy become creations.   

The objective is to bring YOUR preferred intentions and desires into manifested form.  

​We as a humanity are often taught that in order to have, to succeed and to accomplish we must work hard and our dreams will come true.

Please understand 'working' or expanding energy to your dreams is of great importance, just as are the envisioning of those dreams.  And, there is an added 'Key' to this formula.  It is your complete willingness to have and receive what you want.

If you look about your reality, there are many that work very hard with great intention, attention, desire and commitment... and yet their dreams fall short or are without manifestation.  There are also those that may not have the best ethics or principles and seem to 'hardly work' yet they bring forth what they want and then some.  What is the difference?  'The Key' if you look closely, is that these individuals are willing to have what they want.  They aren't questioning if they deserve, are good enough, have worked hard enough, are valuable enough, esteeming or even loved enough.  They choose to allow themselves to have, receive and enjoy what they want.  The same individual, without question, knows and accepts (may not understand what it means) that they are worthy to have.

This is not to suggest you step away from that which you have evolved into or your principles and ethics... it is an invitation to ponder 'The Key'.   Play with it and incorporate it with all that you do.  Faerie Passion also carries the resonance of 'the willingness to receive'.
​And willingness is the magick frequency to bring forth that which you desire.

​This elixir is an array of light particles that bring together an even broader spectrum of potential desire, intention and 'willingness' to your creations.  Your passion and magick give form to the miraculous.  
Faerie Passion and Faerie Magick bring forth a deeper resonance of these same qualities to enhance your natural capabilities, gifts and talents. 

​May each of your days and your creations be filled with passion,  magick and miracles.

With Blessings of light, love, peace & joy,

Distilled water, essences (a proprietary blend of crystals, essence of light, color frequencies & blessings of love from the Faeries, Angels & The Goddess), alcohol as the holding agent.  

Each of the Faerie Remedies carry specific frequencies of light and can be used individually or together. They enhance your becoming more, increasing esteem, self love, worthiness, gratitude and appreciation. 
    This elixir can be taken in water, misted about the head, spine, back of neck, hands, feet, or entire Auric field.
Mist:  Shake, spritz upon skin or over clothing 1-3 x daily as desired. 
Drops:  Place 5-7 drops in 4-6 ounces of water and drink 1 – 2 times daily.  Because each person is unique in response to energy, always follow your inner guidance for drop amount and frequency of use. 

Archangel Raphael is the master healer of the angelic realm (Emerald Green Ray). He with your guardian angels & higher self, are always available to assist in clarity, healing, growth and abundance. But you must ask. 

It is Very Important to drink adequate amounts of water. You are moving energy through your body & water is the conduit supporting this.  Four to six glasses per day is suggested. 

Faerie Passion

Essence of Light©
Faerie Remedies